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Please send us a DM on instagram @auralogick if you placed an order for a charged intention set.


Candle will be charged with a specific intention of your choosing. This intention set also comes with a 3 card reading to give you advice on how you can manifest this intention to the best of your abilities.


Remember that energy work is not magic, and you will have to do your part to fufil your intention by closing the manifestation process by burning it yourself. 


When you’re burning the candle, visualise your intention coming into reality and relax. Let your intuition take control and release the blockages and attract the correct energies for you. 

Approximate burn time: 4-6 hours ( can be used multiple times , don’t have to be burned in a single setting) Remember not to blow the candle when you’re done , instead snuff it with a candle snuffer/ with a wet cloth gently as you don’t want to be blowing your manifestations away!

Reiki Charged Intention Candle

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